IAWS Eastern and Mid-eastern Regional Webinar
Women and Migration with special focus on COVID-19 in Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Bengal
The first Beijing Conference (1995) echoed that “human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.” During this precarious pandemic era, human rights violations of migrant workers, particularly female migrant workers were distinctly visible from media reports. Subsequent reports inform that women being economically stressed have gone back to their uncertain workplaces.
In this context, IAWS decides to discuss this critical issue. There will be a general discussion on women and migration in India. In addition to it, evidence-based research findings during the pandemic will be placed by respective researchers from different states. Our focus is on the five states: Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and West Bengal. These states are prominent on the migration map of India as source states for migrant workers.
Sub Themes:
- Women and migration in India: Interpreting data and building evidences
- Intersectionality of caste, class and gender in female migration
- Covid 19, women migrant workers and the State: Looking at policy and governance