IAWS publications are distributed to members at the National Conferences. Past priced publications are no longer available for sale. However, many libraries, Women’s Studies Centres and women’s resource centres across the country have selected publications. Almost all the publications will also be available for reference at the IAWS Archive at the Resarch Centre for Women’s Studies, SNDT Women’s University, Juhu Campus, Juhu Road, Mumbai 400 049.
We have tried to include all publications; please do inform us if there are errors and omissions in this list. Publications marked * are not available in digitised versions. Publications marked # are not available either in the IAWS physical or digitised archive. We would be grateful for any information on these.
(Selected papers from the IAWS conference sessions have been regularly published as special issues of the ‘Review of Women’s Studies’ of the Economic and Political Weekly and in the Indian Journal of Gender Studies. These are not listed here. )
Feminist Perspectives and the Struggle to Transform the Disciplines, 2007.
Proceedings of the IAWS Southern Regional Workshop, IAWS and Dept. of Women’s Studies, UTC, Bangalore 2-3 Feb.2007.
This includes the Report on the workshop, 17 full papers and 5 presentations, besides a selection of other papers and reports, such as reports of the IAWS Western, Eastern and Northern Regional workshops held in 2007.
Sovereignty, Citizenship and Gender: A Report, 2005.
Report of the XIth National Conference on Women’s Studies. 3-6 May 2005. Dona Paula, Goa.
* Sovereignty, Citizenship and Gender: Book of Abstracts, 2005.
XIth National Conference on Women’s Studies. 3-6 May 2005. Dona Paula, Goa.
Our Story: Twenty Years of the IAWS, 2002.
This collection looks at the IAWS, its objectives and growth. It brings together reflections on the previous decades and organisational strategies for the future. The first section is on the IAWS, looking back and looking forward. The second section explores women’s studies and the women’s movement, while the third deals with the regional networks of IAWS. Section four is on ‘recasting conference culture’ while the last section, ‘building an archive’ includes Presidential Addresses to the National Conferences, which have been compiled by Kalpana Kannabiran.
Sustaining Democracy: Challenges in the New Millenium, 2002.
Orissa Plenary Session. Xth National Conference, October 2002, Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
The report is a compilation of plenary papers from the Xth National Conference of the Indian Association for Women’s Studies. 17-20 Oct. 2002, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. It includes: ‘Changes in Sex Ratio Patterns in Orissa’ by Satish Agnihotri; ‘Women in a Globalising World’ by Vidya Das; ‘Ethnic Conflict and its Impact on Women and the Community’ by Sandhyarani Naik; and ‘Impact of Globalisation on Women Employment in the Unorganised Sector and Rural Women’ by Tapasi Praharaj.
Women and Violence in Gujarat. Special Plenary Session. Xth National Conference: Sustaining Democracy: Challenges in the New Millenium. October 2002.
This report records the Special Plenary Session on Gujarat. Against the backdrop of the violence in Gujarat, it explores the role women played and how they were involved and affected by the Gujarat pogrom. It looks at women and the ‘Hindu Right’ and women’s bodies as ‘sites of violence’. It also focuses on Gujarat as ‘India’s Lab of Fascism’ and how women are caught in a cross-fire of the ‘relentless siege on a religious minority’.
Globalisation, Women’s Identity and Violence. Consolidated Workshop Reports. Lakshmi Lingam, and Shilpa Phadke (Eds.) 2002.
The report looks at how the process of globalisation of the economy, politics and culture has intensified the pre-existing crises of basic livelihoods, unemployment, environmental degradation, class, caste and gender violence, increasing the burdens on women and reducing entitlements to resources. The papers of the various regional workshops cover ‘State, Civil Society and Women’s Empowerment’ in the Southern Region, ‘Multiculturalism and Gender Issues’ in the Northern Region, ‘Dalit Feminism’ in the Western Region and ‘Impact of Globalisation on Women’s Lives’ in the Eastern Region.
Sustaining Democracy: Challenges in the New Millenium: Book of Abstracts, Xth National Conference, October 2002.
Xth National Conference of the Indian Association for Women’s Studies. 17-20 Oct. 2002, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
Women’s Perspectives on Public Policy. Plenary Abstracts, 2000.
IXth National Conference on Women’s Studies, Hyderabad. 8-11 January, 2000.
The report abstracts the proceedings of the plenary sessions at the conference. It covers a) Women’s Perspective on Public Policy: an incomplete or lost agenda, b) Tribal Issues and the Women’s Movement, c)Moving beyond Wombs – Foregrounding Women’s Health Agenda, d) Reservation Policies and the Women’s Movement, and e) Censorship and Silence: Perspectives on the Freedom of Expression
* Women’s Perspectives on Public Policy. Sub-theme Abstracts, 2000.
IAWS IXth National Conference on Women’s Studies, Hyderabad. 8-11 January, 2000.
In search of pasts? History, women’s movements and women’s studies, 2000.
IAWS 2000. Proceedings of the workshops in the Eastern, Western, North Eastern and Southern Regions.
This compilation of the proceedings of the seminars held in the Eastern, Western, North Eastern and Southern Regions, brings together historical research on gender in the various regions. The aim is to first provoke discussion on the need for a historical understanding of women’s current situation and, second, to examine how ‘history’ is itself a political resource
National Consultation on Sexual Harassment on University Campuses: A Report, 1999.
IAWS and Human Rights Programme, University Of Hyderabad.
Following the Supreme Court judgement on Sexual Harrassment (Visaka & Ors. Versus State of Rajasthan & Ors.), IAWS and other groups worked towards devising specific strategies for educational institutions. This work details the symposium sessions and papers.
This collection of papers critically examines the historic events of the early years of Independence from the perspectives of Indian women. The papers study the experiences of Indian women against the background of the Nehruvian paradigm of planned economic development, accompanied by state promotion of social welfare, in order to understand the transition of Indian women from the heady days of the nationalist movement to the grim reality of their situation in the seventies and onwards. It examines various issues and themes and provides detailed narratives of six veteran activists including Manavati Arya, Dasriben Chaudhari, Mallu Swarajyam, Ila Mitra, Rani Das Gupta and Mrinal Gore.
Looking Forward, Looking Back: In Search of Feminist Visions, Alternative Paradigms and Practices. A Report of the Seventh National Conference of Womens Studies, December 27-30, 1995, Jaipur.
By Maithreyi Krishnaraj, Kamla Bhasin, Kavita Srivastava.
This collection of papers critically examines the historic events of the early years of Independence from the perspectives of Indian women. The papers study the experiences of Indian women against the background of the Nehruvian paradigm of planned economic development, accompanied by state promotion of social welfare, in order to understand the transition of Indian women from the heady days of the nationalist movement to the grim reality of their situation in the seventies and onwards. It examines various issues and themes and provides detailed narratives of six veteran activists including Manavati Arya, Dasriben Chaudhari, Mallu Swarajyam, Ila Mitra, Rani Das Gupta and Mrinal Gore.
Complied and edited by Maitreyi Krishnaraj.
This background volume is a search for alternate paradigms and practices which constitute the invaluable stock of experiences for the women’s movement. It contains articulations of visions of future society, based on principles of justice and fairness, for human kind. It traces the contributions of nineteenth century social reformers, including Jyotirao Phule, Gopal Agarkar, Raghunath Karve, Pandita Ramabai, EV Ramaswamy and MK Gandhi; studies the nationalist phase and the early post-Independence period; and examines the present scenario. Searching for and exploring articulations of visions in contemporary society, it expresses concern about how limited these are. It ends by looking at ‘new beginnings’ such as the declaration of the Beijing Convention and the Women Voters’ Manifesto.
The State and the Women’s Movement in India: A Report of a Workshop Held in Delhi, Oct.19-21, 1994.
By Kavita Srivastava, Nandita Gandhi and Abha BHaiya, Edited by Ritu Menon.
The report looks at the ambivalent relationship between the contemporary Indian women’s movement and the State. The movement has forced the State to recognise the subordinate status of women and given women’s issues visibility. However, the State has continued to reinforce the inequality between the sexes. The report asks how the women’s movement should strategise vis-à-vis the State. It includes six case studies representing a wide range of interactions with the State.
Re-Examining the Indian Family: A Report of the Workshop, Kolkata: July 7-9, 1995.
By Nirmala Banerjee and Jasodhara Bagchi.
The report makes a critical assessment of mainstream theories and of the stances of policy-makers in regard to the family in India, reviews these against findings from field studies and an analysis of the logic of the family organisation. It shows how most studies continue to perceive the family as a benign, altruistic arrangement, despite research findings of on the power structures in intra-family gender relations and on the differences between the reality and ideology of the family.
Feminist Approaches To Economic Theory: A Report Of The Workshop, Bangalore: August 5-6, 1995 .
By Maitreyi Krishnaraj, Edited by Jaya Banerji.
The report looks at various feminist approaches to economic theory. The theme paper asks ‘what is feminist economics’ and identifies three levels: a feminist approach to economics, a fundamental/ radical critique of it, and creating alternative frameworks. The report summarises the deliberations of a workshop conducted to revive the EIWIG – Economists Interested in Women’s Issues Group – and take it forward, with a view to influencing mainstream theories and making a dent on policy.
Karuna Aaye Magar is Tarah Nahin: Aaj Ki Mahila Kavita, 1995.
Edited by Anju Daddha Mishra
This compilation of poems, on the occasion of the VIIth National Women’s Studies Conference (Jaipur: December 1995), looks at women’s status and situation from various perspectives.
By Neera Desai and Dr. Maitreyi Krishnaraj
This booklet, produced on the occasion of the VIIth National Conference, throws light on the field of women’s studies, its usefulness, the problems it faces, the principles that govern it, and various other aspects, in order to provide the reader with a better understanding of the field as a whole.
# A Source Book: In Search of Feminist Visions, Alternative Paradigms and Practices, 1995.
By Lakshmi Menon. IAWS and Akshara, Mumbai.
# Women and Violence, 1995
By Radhika Coomaraswamy
Women, Ecology and Economic Globalisation: Searching for an Alternative Vision, 1995.
By Vandana Shiva. Keynote Presentation. VIIth National Conference.
# Catalogue of Paintings, Sculptures and Graphics by Women Artists of India, 1995.
Jawahar Kala Kendra and IAWS
This collection of background papers provides detailed and in-depth coverage of the NEP and its implications for women. It looks at the possible and likely impact on women of these policies, particularly those employed in the informal sector. It explores how to safeguard women’s interests within the new policy framework and how to convert crisis into opportunity. It analyses the experience with structural adjustment and the possible dangers of IMF conditionalities. It looks at the process of feminisation through flexible labour in India. It highlights the need for development with a human face and more equitable world trade. These and various other aspects of the NEP are examined through a gender lens to protect the interests of women.
* Collection of the Papers of the VIth National Conference, Mysore, 1993.
Eight volumes in mimeo.
Nurturing Nature: Women at the Centre of Natural and Social Regeneration, 1998.
Edited by Chhaya Datar, Mumbai: Earthcare Books
Women and Law, 1994
Edited by Lotika Sarkar and B.Sivaramayya, New Delhi: Vikas Publ House
Women’s Participation in Politics, 1993
Edited by Susheela Kaushik, New Delhi: Vikas Publ House.
Finding the Household: Conceptual and Methodological Issues, 1992
(Series on Women and the Household in Asia-5)Edited by K. Saradamoni, New Delhi: Sage Publ.
Struggles of Women at Work, 1992.
Edited by Sujata Gothoskar. New Delhi: Vikas Publ. House.
Women and Indian Nationalism, 1986.
Edited by Leela Kasturi and Vina Mazumdar. New Delhi: Vikas Publ House.
IAWS was also associated with a five-volume Series on the Regional Conference for Asia, New Delhi 1985, on ‘Women and the Household’:
Invisible Hands: Women in Home-Based Production, 1987
Edited by Andrea Menefee Singh and Anita Kelles-Viitanen. Vol. 1. New Delhi: Sage Publ.
Structures of Patriarchy. State Community and Household in Modernising Asia, 1988
Edited by Bina Agarwal. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Kali for Women; London: Zed Books.
Structures and Strategies: Women, Work and Family, 1990.
Edited by Leela Dube and Rajni Palriwala. Vol. 3. New Delhi: Sage Publ.
Gender and the Household Domain: Social and Cultural Dimensions, 1990.
Edited by Maithreyi Krishnaraj and Karuna Chanana. Vol. 4. New Delhi: Sage Publ.
Finding the Household: Conceptual and Methodological Issues, 1992.
Edited by K. Saradamoni. Vol. 5 New Delhi: Sage Publ.